Home ReboCoaching Lead Types with Debbie DeGrote Successful Prospecting with Debbie DeGrote – Just Listed and Just Sold

Successful Prospecting with Debbie DeGrote – Just Listed and Just Sold


This is a popular category.  Just listed and just sold.  You know, years ago (I won’t tell you how many years, a while back…) when I got into real estate, my broker told me a sign generates a sign. I don’t know why that is.  I guess activity in a neighborhood sparks interest, curiosity.  Maybe they’ve been thinking about selling, but they didn’t actually know how much the properties were selling for.  So just listed and just sold prospecting has just been a staple of the real estate industry forever.  Very simple.  You go out, you talk to the homeowners in the area, tell them about the new listing, tell them about the sale, and simply ask them “what are their plans?”  “When would they like to move?”  “Where would they like to be?”  “What questions do they have?”  I always found this type of prospecting to be fairly low rejection.  The conversations are quick, they’re either interested or they’re not, and even if they’re not, you can always end the conversation by asking for a referral.  So, easy, fast, work around every listing and sale you have, and, quite frankly, what would stop you from doorknocking around any new listing in town?

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