Top Realtors

Prospecting for success – Interview with Pablo Rener, Part 3

Prospecting can be a valuable approach to generating business, particularly the way Pablo Rener (from the Tim Carr group at Coldwell Banker International) has talked about it in the previous interviews we’ve featured.  Now it’s time to learn some of the details of how it works… In this video, Pablo describes his daily schedule, including […]

Prospecting for success – Interview with Pablo Rener, Part 2

If you don’t like calling customer support since there’s a chance that an actual human might pick up, then cold-calling potential leads is not for you. However, if your dream is to own your schedule so you can coach your sons’ sports teams and spend quality time with your family while still being a successful […]

Prospecting for success – Interview with Pablo Rener, Part 1

One strategy for drumming up real estate business is prospecting – calling, door knocking, and otherwise finding leads rather than sitting around hoping they’ll find you.  Since ReboGateway’s lead generation capabilities make it easy for Realtors to add prospecting to their portfolios, we were delighted when an expert prospector agreed to be interviewed for ReboReports. […]