Home Tech Tuesdays Tech Tuesday’s – Turn Your open House Into a Profit Center with Technology

Tech Tuesday’s – Turn Your open House Into a Profit Center with Technology


I did the Open House thing last weekend here in Costa Mesa. I probably went into 15 – 20 Open Houses and 1, just 1, asked me to “Sign In” … And that 1 Sign In was in a book, with a Quill and Ink Well! COME ON MAN! Really? It’s almost 2016 … get with it

Statistically, only 2-3% of Open Homes result in an Offer. Which means 97% of the time you are there to hand out info for some other Realtor. Start turning that time you spend into Deals for you …

Open Home Pro and Spacio are 2 great Apps that can be easily installed on a tablet and give you the edge you’re looking for …

Each of these Apps offers a simple sign in on the Tablet, and your visitors are far more likely to use it, than writing in a book! They just do … they will save the info, send out an email showcasing the house and offering up some suggestions about other homes they may be interested in .. All Branded to you!

They even act as a mini CRM tool, by staying in touch with those Buyers for you.

Open Home Pro has a great Social Media integration tool and Spacio has a very cool feature, allowing you to use the App WITHOUT an Internet connection, and then processing the info the next time you are online … very cool

Stop wasting your weekends, working for the other Agent and start turning Visitors into Buyers, use Open Home Pro or Spacio S_P_A_C_I_O at your next Open House and watch your bank account grow!

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