Home Tech Tuesdays Tech Tuesday’s – When it comes to Twitter its quality over quantity.

Tech Tuesday’s – When it comes to Twitter its quality over quantity.


What’s up people I’m the Real Estate Coach in this is Tech Tuesday! All right guys when it comes to Twitter its quality over quantity. You’re not on Twitter yet or worse if you don’t even know what Twitter is we got to talk let’s assume you’re familiar with twitter and are participating on this social network at some level I’ve often described twitter as the world’s largest Starbucks conversations take place there that are interesting informative but most of all their casual I know there are tons of marketers on Twitter and with some practice you’ll learn how to identify even the slickest of them and then avoid the noise it’s not the advertisers and marketers
you’re listening to the everyday people that surround you the ones that are interesting to you they share ideals or concepts with you or maybe our potential clients those are the tweets you want to listen to but how do you keep your twitter stream in line with this particular philosophy how do you keep the noise to a minimum trust me when I tell you you will never keep the noise totally out of your stream it just won’t happen but now you can build your stream to include the type of tweeters that do fall into those categories we just spoke of you can use a little name little no tool called narrow you’ll find it at narrow . I oh here’s how this tool can help you number one it helps you build a targeted following by using keywords hashtags and locations narrow identifies your target audience and attracts relevant users to your profile number two it uses Twitter automation to save you time meaning once you have to find your target audience narrow will start connecting and engaging with relevant users magic now just intelligent automation they proved number three they provide you with additional tools that can help target the audience provide analytics and even manage multiple accounts for the super geeks like me don’t let this incredible networking tool scare you it’s just the world’s largest Starbucks go do what you do have a conversation I’ll catch you on the next video guys and hope you enjoyed that video if I can help you in any way please get a hold of me either by phone or by email you can reach me at (562)646-6710 or email me therecoach@gmail.com We’ll see on the next video!

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