Home Tech Tuesdays Tech Tuesday’s – Facebook Live!

Tech Tuesday’s – Facebook Live!


What’s up people I’m the Real Estate Coach and this is Tech Tuesday. Would you like about two billion people to come to your next open house? Let me tell you how Facebook live can make it happen. If you haven’t heard of Facebook live yet you will Zuckerberg is all hot and bothered over the sharing of video content with the rise in popularity of apps like periscope snapchat etc. Facebook is all in now it’s very simple to just make sure you have updated or downloaded the latest version of the Facebook app to your android or iPhone really important to have the latest version. Then hit the status update icon from the app as if you were going to post to your Timeline normally and a new icon will now appear at the bottom of your status update. So the camera and location icons are located it look like a radio wave over a person’s head, hit that icon put a cool title and the say something area and check your makeup baby because then all you gotta do is hit go live at the top right and that’s it. You are now live on your timeline all you got to do now is get someone to watch you. Remember how to market and advertise right. PS facebook ads would be an amazing place to do that, but even just a mention on your other social networks, on your timeline, your website about a half a million other places that were mentioning things nowadays and he brokers and office managers. Why not stream your weekly meetings on your facebook business page. You can invite your top recruits to join in and see how cool your office is. It will also allow agents who are busy selling to attend via their phone or even watch it later after they sell something of course and make you some money for facebook live. The possibilities are endless and especially in real estate I’m all in on it and I’ll be finding more ways of using it to grow business and remember now you can be the star that you are use facebook live and stream live to facebook think about that power all right I’ll catch you on the next video guys and hope you enjoyed that video if I can help you in any way please get a hold of me either by phone or by email you can reach me at (562)646-6710 or email me therecoach@gmail.com We’ll see on the next video!

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