Home ReboFeatures Interviews Top Realtors Prospecting for success – Interview with Pablo Rener, Part 2

Prospecting for success – Interview with Pablo Rener, Part 2


If you don’t like calling customer support since there’s a chance that an actual human might pick up, then cold-calling potential leads is not for you.

However, if your dream is to own your schedule so you can coach your sons’ sports teams and spend quality time with your family while still being a successful Realtor, prospecting is a strategy worth considering.

In this second part of our interview with Pablo Rener (watch the first part here), we learn more about how Pablo has achieved this dream.  Certainly, making a lot of phone calls is a big part of the process; Pablo typically dials 200-600 phone numbers a day just to reach his goal of talking to 55 people daily.  But it’s not just about having a good auto-dial program.  In this video, Pablo discusses how he gets in the right mindset, divides up his time, and uses role-playing to conquer troublesome situations.  Then, in the next video in this series (coming soon), Pablo goes into the details of his business plan.

Debbies’ Tip’s – Closing

Hi welcome to Debbie's tips so we're going to talk about closing 98.2% of your prospects did ...

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