In this week’s installment of Mentor Mondays, Jeff Petsche answers questions sent in by a viewer, and while at first glance the two questions seem distinct (“Why are top agents so secretive” and “What sort of contact management system should I use?”), Jeff’s answers connect to a common theme across these Mentor Monday episodes – relationships are key. For example, as Jeff points out in response to the first question, having a strong sphere of influence is not a “secret” since, as long as you maintain it, no one can take that business away from you…. And certainly a good contact management system makes maintaining those relationships much more streamlined….
Keep those questions coming – either e-mail Jeff directly, or post them in the comments, and maybe they’ll get answered in a future edition of Mentor Mondays.
Debbies’ Tip’s – Best Sources of Quality Buyers
Hi welcome to Debbies’ Tip’s our talk today about what are the best sources of quality ...
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