Home Tech Tuesdays Tech Tuesdays – Emerging Trends In Real Estate To Pay Attention To

Tech Tuesdays – Emerging Trends In Real Estate To Pay Attention To

 Real estate technology is rapidly changing. To keep up with emerging trends, you should pay attention to this list.
3-D. The use of 3D models of listings is becoming more and more popular. This is just the beginning of 3D usage for real estate.
Post-Transaction Services. Instead of focusing strictly on the sale of a property, many real estate professionals are offering post-transaction services to their clients.
Mobile. If you haven’t already created a mobile presence, you are already behind. Mobile will only become more influential in the real estate business.
Live Showings. You got on the virtual tour bandwagon but now it is time to take it to the next level with live streaming of showings and open houses.

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