Home ReboNational Reports Industry Experts The “Whys” of Home Staging – Part 1

The “Whys” of Home Staging – Part 1


To stage or not to stage? That is the question faced by almost every listing agent when preparing a home for sale. Sometimes the answer is made simpler by the need to “explain” strange rooms, or when a home will be occupied during the selling process, but at other times, it’s not so clear.

Since this is such a common question, ReboReports brought in Ana Hitzel from Accent Positives Home Staging and Redesign to talk about the benefits of home staging, and how to go about deciding whether or not to stage. While it’s not surprising that she endorses home staging, she also talks about situations when she’ll recommend that a homeowner not stage the property.

Overall, this video, the first in a two-part series, is a clear introduction to the reasons behind home staging, and an excellent resource for listing agents to not only watch themselves, but also to share with their clients.

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